Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pink Confirms Pregnancy!

On Wednesday's Ellen DeGeneres Show, Pink, 31, confirmed her pregnancy explaining why she's "glowing":

"I'm eating for two these days, I was just really nervous," Pink admits to DeGeneres. "I have had a miscarriage before, but if I was going to talk about it with anyone, it was going to be with you."

She also added that the baby was definitely planned.

"I worked for it...It was not an 'Oops.'"

She and husband Carey Hart, 35, are not sure if they will find out the sex but their doctor already has an idea.

"The doctor kind of told me what she thinks," she says, explaining that doctors noticed some detail in her ultrasound. "I'm terrified because she thinks it's a girl! My mom has always wished me a daughter just like me," she jokes. "I'm terrified one of us will go to jail."

Congratulations to Pink and Carey!

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